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What is BellaLift?

BellaLift is your womenhood partner, offering clinically validated advice and action across the life cycle continuum for women. From general wellness, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, motherhood, and beyond​, BellaLift works with you to give you the relevant guidance you need, when you need it.


How does it work?

For all women. Anywhere. Anytime.​


With features to track your exercise and mood, daily learning, and access to health coaches and therapists, BellaLift supports your health and well-being

BellaLift Includes Programs for... ​
  • General Wellness
  • Fertility & Reproductive Health
  • Pregnancy
  • Post-Delivery (Motherhood)
  • & More!
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Six simple steps to better health

Step 1

Download the app


Step 2

​Talk to our chat bot Siya to get personalized care and assigned into relevant program

Step 3

Explore the daily learning section for knowledge and insights specific to where you are in your journey

Step 4

Access sleep, activity, mood, and health vital trackers to monitor your physical and emotional health

Step 5

Receive personalized support from trained health coaches and therapists

Step 6

Earn points for your participation that can be redeemed for gifts, helping to keep motivation high

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